Director General of Civil Defense Expresses his Thanks and Gratitude to Al Iraqia University

Within the directives of the University Rector, Prof. Dr. Ali Saleh Al-Jubouri, on the necessity of contributing to raising awareness in Iraqi society and enhancing the awareness aspect towards various issues affecting society. Department of Media and Government Communication, in coordination with Civil Defense Directorate, organized a live broadcast in which it hosted the Director General of Civil Defense, Major General Mohsen Kazim Alak, via Iraqi University page and the Civil Defense Directorate page.

Major General gave a lecture on the most important safety procedures and requirements in the government institutions, residential complexes and homes, in addition to explaining the paragraphs of Iraqi Civil Defense Law.

During the lecture, citizens’ interventions and questions were answered directly, as well as inquiries related to immediate dealing with emergencies and safety procedures to avoid accidents while Major General expressed his thanks and gratitude for this initiative adopted by Presidency of Al Iraqia University and its efforts to educate society.