Calculating Economic Costs of the Impact of Violence Against Women in Iraq

The head of Women’s Empowerment Unit at Al Iraqia University, Dr. Bushra Al-Zwaini, participated in the dialogue session of the research study titled Calculating Economic Costs of the Effects of Violence against Women, which was evaluated by the Women and the Future Organization, led by former member of the House of Representatives, Dr. Nada Al-Jubouri.

The conference was attended by liaison members of the university’s faculties, Dr. Nour Ali Saqb from  College of Law, Dr. Soha Hadi / College of Islamic Sciences, Dr. Dina Mahdi / College of Education for Girls, Dr. Hind Sattar Electronic Calculator Center, and a distinguished presence from the College of Law represented by Dr. Israa Qassem, Dr. Sally Saad, and the assistant lecturer. Aseel Saleh and the assistant teacher, Zainab Shamil, in addition to the presence of the two students, Saja Abdel Wahed and Ghadeer Bassem.

The conference aims to clarify the dangers of violence in Iraqi society and the economic and social costs it causes that ultimately affect Iraq’s federal budget and the spending of huge sums of money caused by domestic violence instead of spending it on achieving the required development in various national sectors.