Rehabilitation and Employment Division Organizes a Field Visit to (Ishik Private School)
As part of the tasks and activities of Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Division, the Division organized a field visit accompanied by a number of faculty members in College of Education for (Women)and a number of its distinguished students from various departments to (Ishik) Baghdad Private Schools to learn about the school followed system, activities and the modern teaching methods used to increase the experiences of students of our university .
The university delegation met with the school administrative staff and discussed the development of joint cooperation with regard to training university students in the Faculties of Education and Education for Women and the possibility of conducting school application in their schools because the methods used by them are modern and developed. The school administration showed its interest in our university and benefiting from the experiences of the faculty members by involving them in the school’s activities as arbitrators.
On the part of the students, they were distributed to the classes to watch the lesson directly and how the teacher deals with his students.