Patent:Two Faculty Members Obtain a Patent on (Smart City Management) By Programmable Systems

Assistant Professor Dr. (Mushtaq Ahmed Ali )and Assistant Lecturer (Omar Yassin Saeed), obtained a patent tagged with smart city management systems using programmable systems.

The patent aimed to design a model of a compact, mini, programmable and integrated intelligent traffic control and control system that performs all traffic functions in addition to self-innovative traffic functions by achieving the possibility of developing the system. Many electronic elements of this system were used and all these elements were compatible with each other and with the main component of the system, (microcontroller). Another microcontroller connected to the main microcontroller was also used to achieve an additional monitoring function for the environment. Another microcontroller connection is made to give a control function using a site via a server on the network.

The results of the patent showed capability of managing the traffic at all road intersections, in addition to the roads leading to bridges, in contrast to the traditional traffic systems and its use in a manner compatible with smart self-driving cars and modern systems because the system includes Internet of Things (IoT) system (Internet of things: a system whose components are connected to the Internet) that management and registration of traffic violations instead of relying on the traffic police.