College of Media : (Use of Social Networking Sites in Shaping Mental Image of Institutions)

Within the framework of joint cooperation and exchange of experiences between universities with community and governmental institutions, the Dean of the College of Information at the Iraqi University, Prof. Dr. Ethar Tariq Khalil Al-Obaidi, participated in a scientific lecture on the use of social networking sites in shaping the mental image of the institution, with the participation of a number of officers participating in the media and moral guidance course Basic No. (7) in Media and Moral Guidance Training Pavilion at the Ministry’s headquarters.

The lecture was delivered by Dean of College of Media, Dr. Ethar Tariq Al-Obaidi, aims to provide participants with the latest innovative and creative ways that Public Relations Department can play in improving image of the institution with the external and internal audience.

The lecture included a definition of concept of social networking sites, its types, features, importance, and how to apply them to build a positive mental image of the organization , Methods of forming a mental image and how to enhance it among public, importance of public relations in government departments and institutions, and how to enhance interdependence between public relations departments in various fields to exchange experiences and upgrade various methods of work, as well as how to manage crises and a strategy to turn them into reputational gains.