Al- Iraqia University Signs a Scientific Cooperation Agreement with National University of Science and Technology

Within the framework of joint scientific and academic cooperation between the various government institutions, Al- Iraqia University Presidency, represented by Head of the University, Prof. Ali Saleh Hussein, signed a scientific and academic cooperation agreement with a delegation from National University of Science and Technology, headed by the Head of National University, Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Laibi Al-Rubaie, in the presence of Rector’s Assistant  for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Khamis Awad, and Director of Department of Missions and Relations, Prof. Dr. Duraid Yahya, at Al- Iraqia University Presidency in Adhamiya.

The signed agreement included a number of items, most notably documenting and strengthening scientific cooperation in the field of joint research between the two parties, and developing a mechanism to develop students’ scientific capabilities, by supporting training and rehabilitation programs, as well as holding joint conferences and seminars, and exchanging experiences with the aim of building society and providing it with distinguished scientific cadres.