A Workshop on the Role of Translators in Corona Crisis


English Department at the College of Education (for Girls) at Al- Iraqia University held a workshop entitled (The Role of Translators in the Shadow of the Corona’s Pandemic Crisis), presented by Dr. Abdul Ilah Neamah Al-Saadi.

The workshop dealt with the importance of the role of translators in spreading outreach after the spread of Corona pandemic and their assigned tasks in raising community awareness through the contributions of translators in translating outreach publications  of the pandemic, as well as the role of consecutive  translators in escorting medical teams, injured people and their families to alleviate the weight of misinformation that is mis transferred or translating to the public …

The workshop goal was to provide a scientific benefit for those interested in linguistics, dictionaries and translation for all of students, researchers and teaching staff, because it explains the dangers of using wrong language equivalents of terms that appeared with the outbreak of the Corona pandemic.